President Obama YouTube Interview: After SOTU Success, YouTube Stars Interview Barack Obama [VIDEO]

Known for his sense of humor and for causing complete hatred from the Republicans since he was first elected into office back in 2008, President Obama's YouTube interview has become a wide hit online, following this week's early success of his latest State of the Union address, where he became a meme once again.

In a fascinating publicity move towards younger audiences, the latest President Obama YouTube interview saw the leader of the free world responding to the questions of three of the most popular YouTube stars last Thursday, as they asked POTUS some of the questions that are most related to the millennial generation.

According to Vox, the President Obama YouTube interview was out on YouTube at 2PM Eastern Time last Thursday, featuring three of the video-sharing website's most popular people standing next to Barack Obama and bombarding him with questions.

As ABC News reports, the three stars chosen for the President Obama YouTube interview were Hank Green (who, along with John Green, hosts the popular "VlogBrothers" channel on the site), GloZell Green (known for her bright lipstick and personal challenges on her channel glozell1) and Bethany Mota (with her own Do It Yourself channel, she's one of the biggest YouTube personalities, even making it in the past season of "Dancing with the Stars")

As The Huffington Post's list of "best moments in the interview" shows, some of the favorite moments of the interview showed the President Obama getting closer with his famous young interviewers, in a web show that used the hashtag #YouTubeAsksObama in social media

Some of the best moments listed from the President Obama YouTube interview were when GloZell gave him some bright green lipstick for the First Lady Michelle Obama as well as First Daughters Malia and Sasha and when he was asked about what he'd like his superpower to be - the full interview is below!

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