King Abdullah Dead: Saudi Arabia King Dies, Who Succeeds Him?

Following the announcement that King Abdullah's dead, all eyes in the world have been placed over Saudi Arabia, as the Muslim State enters the next phase with the biggest royal family in the world deciding who's to stay in power following the death of the major leader.

By land area, Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab state in the Middle East region, and the second-largest Arab State in the world, after the Northern African country of Algeria, as well as being one of the most stable countries in its region, with strong ties to the West - now that King Abdullah's dead, will things change perspective for the Muslim state?

According to The New York Times, this doesn't seem to be the case; as the famous newspaper reports, the announcement that King Abdullah's dead was quickly followed by an official statement by his eldest son and heir, who will now be referred to as King Salman, who addressed his nation with talk of continuity in policy.

"We will, with God's will and power, adhere to the straight path this country followed since its establishment by King Abdulaziz and his sons after him, and will not deviate at all from it, since our constitution is the book of Allah and the teachings of Prophet Mohammed," said Salman, according to CNN, following the official announcement that King Abdullah's dead.

Official news of the Saudi King's death came earlier on January 23, after the royal court in the Arab country announced that he'd passed away after being admitted to a Riyadh hospital on New Year's Eve, in what was reported at the time as a lung infection.

While known for his close ties to Western nations (particularly for being a major ally of the United States in the war against terror, having arrested many Al Qaeda members in its territory as well as joining the recent anti-ISIS coalition), King Abdullah's reign was also marked by controversy in Sharia-directed policy, as the major figure behind the tightly religious country, with The Guardian referring to him as the embodiment of "wickedness" in the Saudi regime.

Following the announcement that King Abdullah's dead, The Daily Mail reported that Buckingham Palace lowered the United Kingdom flag at half-mast, and Prince Charles announced he'd be visiting the Saudi capital to pay his respects, after citizens of the country gathered in Riyadh and Mecca to mourn their king.

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