How to Keep Herbs Fresh? Effective Tips to Keep Herbs Longer

Everyone is starting to write about tips, tricks, or how to store foods to prolong. So, since all of us (almost all of us) want to keep foods especially herbs to be fresh for days as much as possible.

How could we possibly do that? Here is the guide that will help you keep your herbs for longer period of time. By the way, we are talking about herbs like mint, cilantro, basil, and parsley and not the tough ones just like rosemary.

First is to start selecting the best types of herbs. When shopping make sure to buy herbs that are crisp and can smell the herbs three inches away from your nose. Don't buy holey and even bruised leaves. Look and buy green, crisp, and bright herbs.

Second, when you arrived at home do not hurriedly wash them yet. Bu washing the herbs will add moisture to herbs which will shorten the storage lives of the herbs you just bought. Take note that you can wash the herbs juts before you cook. If you are planning to store them, then do not wash.

Third, snip the base. This is the same is true when you buy a bouquet of flowers. Do not overcrowd them in one glass. Put them in having an inch of water only and not halfway their stems.

Fourth is to cover them loosely using a plastic bag and then store them in your fridge, but not the basil. Basil should be in a room temperature only. Do not forget to change the water if it gets cloudy.

As you can notice, preserving the herbs for longer is too simple and cheap. You need to buy something that will help you preserve the herbs you just bought. The day you want to cook that is the only time you have to wash the herb.

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