Twitter Plans To Build Its Own Video Service

The social networking site Twitter is planning to make some drastic moves in order to attract more prospects to into its growing user base. Just yesterday users were treated to some big additional features added into the social network but it looks like that Twitter is not done yet.

Back in Nov 2014, Twitter has announced of its intention to add video support capabilities to its service. According to official statement the move to add video service is the company's strategy to attract more advertisers, therefore adding revenue. Twitter also announces about its plane of an embedded video play and some video card support but it looks like that Twitter will go way beyond that now.

An ongoing project is currently being hatched by Twitter and reports say that it might be something big. No official announcement has been made yet but some leaked information shows that Twitter is building its own video service, something that could complete with Google's Youtube. If users access the URL an acknowledgement message will prompt the user to request for access to the service. Twitter has not issued any announcement regarding the leaked project but it does show some really good potential.

As reported from TechCrunch, the video service will be reveal sometime this year and Twitter is putting emphasis on the UI of the service in order to attract possible advertisers. Additional reports says that the service will not be supporting external videos such as those coming from YouTube or other video streaming sites, which mean that Twitter has plans to create its own massive video library. According to the report, users are allowed to upload video clips of up to 10 minutes regardless of the quality of video the user wants to upload. On a FAQ provided on the website, Twitter even encourages its user to share the highest possible quality of video.

Based on the latest social media surveys, Instagram has already overtaken Twitter as the second largest social network site next to Facebook.

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