Surprising Foods That Give You Bad Breath

Foods that give you bad breath - Bad breath? Check your diet! If you think you have good oral hygiene, you brush your teeth every after eating, you clean your tongue and floss at least once a day, then you may have to check out what you're eating to possibly know what's causing you bad breath.

Halitosis or bad breath infects over 80 million people. It is caused by bacteria in the mouth, poor oral hygiene, decay of food particles and other debris in your mouth according to Know Your While focusing on the foods that give you bad breath, there is certain reason why it happens.

Sulfur brings onions and garlic undesirable odors when eaten. They have mercaptans- sulfur compounds that create smelly compounds released by bacteria present in the mouth.

Bacteria in the mouth have certain role in helping breaking down the protein in foods. However in the process, it also releases sulfur compounds from the amino acid, which is responsible for causing bad breath.


Eating meat more than your regular consumption could give you some problem.  Ammonia is a by- product of protein breakdown that can give you smelly breath.

Coffee and alcohol

Coffee and alcohol are one of the foods that give you bad breath. These beverages create conducive environment for the bacteria to propagate. Coffee and alcohol also reduces saliva flow that develops foul smell in your mouth.

"Any food or drink, could briefly cause breath odor if it's allowed to linger in the mouth. This is insignificant and non-consequential. Brushing your mouth and your tongue gets your good breath back," Paul Vankevich, DMD, an assistant professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, agrees.

Dairy, fish and other dense protein foods

Dairy, fish and other dense protein foods are foods that give you bad breath due to the sulfur that is released when they are broken down. Other protein-rich foods that cause bad breath are many nuts and seeds, eggs, beans and lentils according to TheraBreath.

Acid foods

Acid foods are vital for bacteria to grow and reproduce. This is the reason why it is wise to limit acidic foods that can cause bad breath including tomato juice, coffee, all citrus juices, pasta sauce, sodas, pickles, ketchup, fatty meats, butter, olives, and chocolate.


Sugars are fuels of bacteria that cause bad breath. So stay away or limit foods including mints, Candies, and chewing gum that contain sugar. If you are used to chewing sugary gum, be aware that flavored bubble gums only masked flavors. They are actually causing more problems as they make the bacteria in the mouth more active.

In order to prevent bad breath aside from limiting foods that give you bad breath, one must also be aware that skipping breakfast can give you "morning mouth" or bad breath. Avoid fasting or skipping meals because even you brush your teeth, the odor will still comes out from your mouth.

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