How to Select and Store Garlic

How to Select
Choose heads that are firm to the touch, with blemishes or soft cloves. Choose dry, plump, and clean-skinned one. Fresh garlic should be white to off white. If you notice dark, powdery patches under the skin, pass it up since it is an indication of a common mold which will eventually spoil the flesh. As garlic ages, green sprouts will grow in the center of clove. These can be bitter, so remove them before chopping the garlic.

How to Store
Store unpeeled garlic in an open container in a cool, dark and dry place. It should be away from other foods. Do not refrigerate unpeeled garlic. Peeled garlic cloves may be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Store up to 3 weeks or more. After peeling and mincing, you can store garlic in the freezer and use it whenever you need. Peeled garlic is better to be stored in the fridge because deadly bacteria can grow at room temperature.

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