Diet Tips: Never Diet With Your Partner

A recent study suggests that partners who are dieting together will leave one of them decreasing their confidence so the success of the two people involved would greatly differ resulting to one being left behind.

According to the study, they had a sample of 50 couples who have tried a diet together and the results show that it's not always the best idea a couple could start. The couples who joined are said to have made dieting as their New Year's resolution.

The study says that the partners who participated resulted to one partner succeeding at being able to limit what they eat and ate much healthier foods. On the other hand, the other partner finds it more difficult to control what they eat and tend to not mind their food portions.

The study suggests that people who are trying to reach a certain goal with someone who turns out to be more successful in reaching the same goal can make the other less confident of them being able to reach what they aim.

Dieting itself is already a process that a person tries to strictly adhere to and having someone beat you at your own game would make it even more difficult.

The author of the study, Jennifer Jill Harmon, said that whenever you want to make a change or set your goals, you should always remember not to compare yourself to other people as everyone loses weight in a different way.

Some people can diet all they want and lose just a few pounds while others can just diet for a couple of weeks and they reach the weight they want to achieve. Dieting is not supposed to be a competition as the author points out.

She has advised that if couple decide to still diet together, they should motivate each other and not forget the earlier stated advises.

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