Angelina Jolie Misses ‘Unbroken’ Premiere: Director Jolie Got Chickenpox

Angelina Jolie is the director of the true to life story film entitled "Unbroken" of Louis Zamperini and it's not a secret to everyone. This film is already the second effort done by Jolie and it really means a lot to her not just because she work hard for it, but because the story can really touch hearts and life changing.

She said "nothing's ever meant more." Unfortunately, she wasn't able to watch the premiere night of the film in Los Angeles. According to reports, Jolie has chickenpox.

She said that she went home itching. But this doesn't stop her from being so sorry. In fact, she made a video and posted it in YouTube so that fans and those who are really excited to see her on that premiere day would watch this. She did this maybe because she really felt that people deserve her explanation why she was not around on that important moment of her life. On her video she said, "I will be home, itching, and missing everyone. I can't believe it because this film means so much to me. But such is life. I send everyone my love and hope everything goes well." What happened was really hard for her, but as what she said such is life.

On Facebook page of Universal they announced that Brad Pit, Angelina Jolie's husband together with their children will be there on the premier. Together with the update, Universal also informed that Jolie has mild bout of chicken pox" and this will make her out of sight in days to come to support her movie. Moreover, last Thursday the movie "Unbroken" was shut down by the Golden Globes making last week as not the best week for Angelina Jolie.

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