Affordable Care Act For Women: What Are Nutrients Needed By Women?

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act that defines comprehensive health insurance reforms to place people to be in-charge of their health care. With Affordable Care Act, women can have lower expenses, and wider insurance options that cover preventive services.


Calcium is the nutrient that is essential for building strong bones. This nutrient is very important especially when women get older. Sources of Calcium include milk, soy, orange juice, cheese, rice beverage and calcium fortified or calcium enriched foods.

With the Affordable Care Act, women can have testing from various health care services covered by health insurances. The coverage is available for women over 60 years old who are at most risk to osteoporosis.

Women under the age of 50, nursing or pregnant require 1, 000 milligrams of calcium daily while women above 50 should get 1,200 milligrams of Calcium every day.

Vitamin D

Under the Affordable Care Act, women above 60 can be tested for vitamin D deficiency for free. Vitamin D is essential to absorb calcium to have sturdier bones. Vitamin D sources can be found in fatty fish including tuna, sardines and salmon.

Folic Acid

Folic acid aids in building up the DNA and crucial for cell division that's why it is very important for pregnant mothers. Every woman needs 400 micrograms everyday while pregnant ones need 600 micrograms, breastfeeding mothers get 500 micrograms. Folic acid is found in nuts, beans, and green, leafy vegetables.

With Affordable Care Act, women are covered and there's no need for co-pays when they need to buy folic acid prescriptions.


In Affordable Care Act, anemia screenings are covered in most plans for pregnant women. Iron is essential nutrient for oxygen to get into the cells. Iron rich foods include turkey, lean beef, cereals, beans and chicken.


Elevated sodium can cause high blood pressure and stroke and in the long term, heart problems. Women need less than 2, 300 milligrams of sodium daily. The Affordable Care Act requires most plans to cover blood pressure screenings in any health plans.

With the Affordable Care Act, women can also have free counseling and obesity screening in order to be aware of their diet and weight management.

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