Best Remedies For Hangover That Will Drive Hangover Away

Remedies for hangover- Did you enjoy booze last night? Definitely waking up in the morning is the hardest thing to do. Hangover is the worst feeling you can have after drinking in a party night out with friends. By now, you may probably be cursing the bottle of vodka you drank last night and promising not to drink again.

What are the best remedies for hangover? Hangover leads to headache, you become sensitive to light, you have nausea, slow motor skills, diarrhea and pain in the muscles. This is mainly because of the toxic chemicals and chemical reactions in your body after drinking alcohol.

Although there is no proven remedies for hangover, there are certain foods that can help you regain the strength. There are foods that can help you get back vitamins, amino acids, minerals and sugar you loss in after a night of drinking.

If you can't get up from your bed, your head feels too heavy, and you feel like throwing up again, here are best remedies for hangover you can try:


Water is the first and essential drink you should grab the moment you wake up with a pounding head. Alcohol is diuretic that makes you dehydrated. It drains your body with water and also the essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It drew water from your system even from your head making you encounter the worst headache.

Drink as much water as you can. As a practical tip, drink water in between drinking alcohol to replenish the water lost in your system.

Coconut water

Coconut water is one of the best remedies for hangover to replenish the loss electrolytes in your body. Coconut water has natural electrolytes that are also present in humans so it could basically help you regain your composure.


Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and glutathione that fight the toxins that cause hangover. Drink tomato juice or prepare a salad with fresh tomatoes. You will feel better after that.

Pastured eggs

Eggs are protein source that has the ability to normalize the blood sugar. It also has cystine that helps get rid of the toxins in the body. Pastured eggs are laid by hens that eat organic feeds. These types of eggs are best remedies for hangover as it is rich in B vitamins that are lost when you're drinking.

Fruit Juice

Fruit juice contains electrolytes that your body needs. Drinking fruit juice helps you stabilize your sugar and provide you with vitamins that you've lost in drinking. Go for Cranberry or Apple juice that is less acidic and delicate on your stomach.

Other remedies for hangover include ginger or peppermint tea, pickle juice, sports drink, bananas, crackers and honey, wholegrain bread and beans.

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