Five Simple Tricks To Keep You In Shape

Do you wonder why some people eat and yet they don't pile up on their weight? If you are eating lesser than most of the people around you and still feels you're overweight, why don't you check your food habits or have your lifestyle checked?

Sometimes all you need are simple tricks to keep you in shape. You don't need to go further trying out fad diets, aero or yoga classes.

Trick #1 to keep you in shape: Don't Skip Breakfast! Breakfast is an essential part meal of the day. It is the first meal that breaks the fast. Skipping breakfast lowers your metabolism. It also makes you feel burden up easily with no energy coming from breakfast.

Successful people who achieved their weight goal and maintained never miss eating breakfast.

Trick #2 to keep you in shape: Portion control. Your plate must consist of the four food groups including carbohydrates, protein, fruit, and vegetables. Half of your plate must be designated for your fruits and vegetables, where vegetables occupy ¾ of the space and other ¼ for fruit.

The other half of your plate for your carbohydrate sources with the remaining smaller portion for your protein.

Trick #3 to keep you in shape: Burn what you eat. This practical tip will surely keep your weight at the right level. If you consume big calories, you must burn it out so you won't pile that on your tummy. You can eat what you want, but you may choose healthier options so you won't have hard time working out for your added pounds.

Trick #4 to keep you in shape: Eat natural. Eating natural foods instead of processed and foods cooked in oils and fats are better. Go for baked, poached, boiled or grilled instead of fried fatty foods. Drink fresh fruit juices instead of drinking sodas. Avoid fast foods that are high in saturated and trans fats.

Trick #5 to keep you in shape: Drink water, water, water. Water flashes out the toxins in the body. It keeps you hydrated and keeps you full for longer time. Water is beneficial for delivering body benefits. If you feel hunger pangs troubling you, drink water first before grabbing a high carbohydrate snack at once.

There are still many tricks that you can try to keep you in shape. But make sure you're on your way to losing weight rather than adding pounds.

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