Raw Food Diet, Does Raw Really Means Uncooked in Raw Food Diet?

Raw food diet has been one of the highly fad diets that claim relief on allergies and irritating headaches. This diet was derived from the belief of some medicinal practitioners that eating raw foods is the best for our body. Raw foods are also known as "living foods," or "raw vegan."

Is it effective? Following a raw food diet means eating foods that are low in calories, sodium, fat and high in fiber. There is one study that has proven its effectiveness in weight loss.

Raw food diet provides vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals and fiber. However, eating raw foods would also mean you're taking out the large portion of protein, calcium, and iron in your diet. Although some foods are best eaten raw, there are also some foods that are best cooked to enhance their nutritive value.

Sulforaphanes, the cancer-fighting compounds in broccoli is lessened when it is cooked while there are some that nutrients such as Vitamin C and folate that are wipe out when submitted to high temperatures. However, some foods have higher nutrient value when they are cooked.

Raw food diet is consists of plant foods including nuts, seeds, sprouts, vegetables and fresh fruits. These foods lost their enzyme inhibitors when cooked but enhance their nutrients when they are soaked in water for a minimum of two hours to overnight.

List of foods for a typical raw food diet are listed in About Health website. When one is on a raw food diet, one must also avoid eating soy beans, kidney beans, fava beans, parsnips, cassava, taro, potatoes, peas, buckwheat greens, mushrooms and peas as they are unsafe to eat when uncooked.

Raw food diet generally doesn't include breads, all processed foods and foods must not be cooked above 118 degrees. There are also raw foodists that eat raw animal food sources including fish and meat, raw eggs, non-pasteurized, yogurt, cheese and non-homogenized milk.

However, eating raw foods from animal sources may increase one's susceptibility to food-borne illnesses.

Famed Hollywood celebrities following a raw food diet includes Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Carol Alt, Donna Karan, Sting, Cher, Alicia Silverstone and Jason Mraz.

Serving raw foods is also in vogue in numbers of classy restaurants such as the recipes of popular raw food chef, Charlie Trotter.

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