The Celebrity Diet Secrets You Shouldn’t Miss

Do not beat yourself for under-exercising and overeating in the first several days of your year. Your dreamed Hollywood body you have been longing for can't happen overnight. As a matter of fact, celebrities have several crazy tricks combining unusual foods to lose weight and maintain a sexy body.

Cindy Crawford is using vinegar to suppress her appetite before eating. Reese Witherspoon walks backward carrying five-pound weight to tone her calves. On the other hand, Owen Wilson finds parsley and asparagus slimming and J-Lo sniffs grapefruit extract.

Cindy Pearlman and Kym Douglas wrote a book called "The Black Book of Hollywood Diet Secrets", which unveiled some of the foods that celebrities ate during their diets. Many were surprised and amazed with the foods. But, there are some who are eager to pursue the diets of the celebrities mentioned.

One of the celebrities mentioned was Oprah and it revealed the guilty pleasure of this star. According to the book, Oprah wants simple pleasures. When things are a bit too hot in her life, she wants to chill literally. She likes eating popsicles and fruit bars because these are good and delicious for her.

Sienna Miller is another celebrity that was mentioned in the book. The actress said that she hates going out with people who only eat salad because she thinks that foods should be enjoyed with everyone without thinking about any restrictions.

You too can have that body that you always wanted. If you are really determined to lose weight and toned up your muscles, then try the secrets of the different known celebrities. You never know they could help you reach your dream body in no time. Just ensure to consult a doctor or dietitian first before you start a diet as some foods may not be good for your overall health condition.

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