So, You Think Alcoholic Beverages Make Your Belly Fat? Here are Non-Alcoholic Drinks That Have The Same Effect
Weight Loss and Diabetes Breakthrough: An Enzyme that Zaps Excess Sugar?
In what could be a weight loss and diabetes breakthrough, researchers from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center have discovered a naturally occurring enzyme, known as the "detox enzyme" that zaps excess sugar and prevents our body as storing it as fat. NFL Fans: The Most Popular Beer and Liquor of Every Team
It is impossible for one to watch a match on a Sunday afternoon without a can of beer. NFL fans, here's the list of the most popular beer and liquor for each team. Jennifer Aniston is 'Revited' with The Taco Cleanse
But, you'll be surprised that The Taco Cleanse is beginning to sweep the Hollywood one by one. Jennifer Aniston is just like everyone of us; delighted to know that such diet exists. Top 5 Foods That are Making You Hungrier
Studies show that there are certain food groups that spike your appetite, making it harder for you to stick to your New Year's resolution of losing weight. So, ditch these unhealthy foods and say goodbye to those unwelcome cravings. Read on! Sugar Consumption may increase Breast and Lung Cancer Risk, Study Shows
a study conducted by University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers show that there is a link between sugar consumption and increased risk in breast and lung cancer. Why the Food Brands You Grew Up With Will Never Be the Same
Get ready to finally say goodbye to your childhood, as these food brands that you grew up with are changing their tunes, or more appropriately, their taste. WATCH: With this Alarm Clock, You Will Literally Wake Up to the Smell of Hot Croissants and Toast!
Maybe you hate waking up early in the morning because you hate the sound of your alarm, but what if you can be woken up by your sense of smell? Late Night Snacking Hinders Ability to Learn, Retain Memory; Study Says
Need another reason to stop snacking before going to bed? A new study found out that eating during the late evening or during the wee hours of the morning can actually impair your memory. Spend Your Valentine's Dinner at the Great Hall at Hogwarts, The Love Potion is on them.
Hey there muggles! Are you feeling sad because you didn't get your acceptance letter from Hogwarts? Be sad no more! They are making it up to you with this invitation! Well, at least for those who have plans for the Valentine's. The Proper Way of Making Tea, According to the Brits
Because tea means serious business. Do you know how can you make drinking tea classier? Do it the way Brits do. This may surprise you but there is actually a British manual in preparing the good old classy black tea. Eating Golds and Diamonds for Dessert; The World's Most Expensive Sweet Treats
The expression "Eat Like a King" should not be interpreted as merely an exaggeration now, because today, some people are eating gold-literally and figuratively. If you think you are spending much on your dessert, think again. FDA: Pizza Boxes Contains Chemicals Not Safe For Food
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a i ban effective Jan. 4 on the use of certain chemicals used in pizza boxes and other similar products, after studies show that these have potential risk to our health. Top 6 Foods that Cause Adult Acne
Before you start blaming your genes and start wondering if you're back to your awkward teenage years, check out this list of the worst skin offenders that you should avoid to bring back your healthy, glowing skin. McDonald’s Healthy Menu Contains More Calories than their Burgers and Nuggets
The fast food giant has been incorporating healthy ingredients like quinoa, sprouts, kale, matcha, and green tea to its menu in Canada, US, New Zealand, and Japan. But how healthy are they?