
Disease-resistant apples perform better than old favorites

Disease-resistant apples perform better than old favorites You may not find them in the produce aisle yet, but it's only a matter of time before new disease-resistant apple cultivars overtake favorites like Honeycrisp in popularity, according to a University of Illinois apple expert.
  • New tool could help maintain quality during cheese production

    New tool could help maintain quality during cheese production Dutch type cheeses, notably edam and gouda, are made using complex starter cultures, that have been employed for centuries.
  • Study: Eighty-five percent of Spanish children eat too much salt

    Study: Eighty-five percent of Spanish children eat too much salt Salt is a hidden enemy in children's diets. So says the conclusion of a study by researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid, which suggests that over 80 % of Spanish schoolchildren consume excess salt; this is associated to greater risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis and obesity.
  • Junk food almost twice as distracting as healthy food, study finds

    Junk food almost twice as distracting as healthy food, study finds Even when people are hard at work, pictures of cookies, pizza and ice cream can distract them -- and these junk food images are almost twice as distracting as health food pictures, concludes a new Johns Hopkins University study, which also found that after a few bites of candy, people found junk food no more interesting than kale.
  • Study: Almost half of food allergies in adults appear in adulthood

    Study: Almost half of food allergies in adults appear in adulthood When people think of food allergies, it's mostly in relation to children. New late-breaking research being presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting shows that almost half of all food-allergic adults surveyed reported one or more adult-onset food allergies.
  • Study: Food should be marketed as a 'meal' rather than a 'snack' to avoid overeating

    Study: Food should be marketed as a 'meal' rather than a 'snack' to avoid overeating
  • The fight against obesity: To tax or not to tax?

    The fight against obesity: To tax or not to tax? Obesity is a global public health epidemic with increasing prevalence that cost the UK £25 billion in 2015.
  • Brain cells that control appetite identified for first time

    Brain cells that control appetite identified for first time -Key brain cells which control our appetite discovered by scientists at University of Warwick -Tanycytes found - for the first time - to detect amino acids from food and tell the brain directly that we feel full -Foods high in two key amino acids - such as pork shoulder, beef sirloin steak, chicken, mackerel, plums, apricots, avocadoes, lentils and almonds - activate tanycytes and make us feel fuller quicker -Discovery could help to curb obesity crisis - possibility of treatments to suppress appetite and control weight by activating tanycytes in brain Dieting could be revolutionised, thanks to the ground-breaking discovery by the University of Warwick of the key brain cells which control our appetite.
  • Study: Six in 10 food adverts during family TV shows push junk food

    Study: Six in 10 food adverts during family TV shows push junk food A new report, based on research conducted at the University of Liverpool, shows that almost six in ten food and drink adverts shown during family programmes in the UK popular with children are for 'junk food' such as fast food, takeaways and confectionery.
  • Mold contamination in sea salts could potentially spoil food

    Mold contamination in sea salts could potentially spoil food Like fine wines, sea salts are artisanal products that inspire talk of terroir, texture and provenance.
  • Dolphin diets indicate significant changes in the ocean may shorten food chains

    Dolphin diets indicate significant changes in the ocean may shorten food chains Dolphin Diets Suggest Extreme Changes in the Ocean May Shorten Food Chains: Extreme marine conditions like El Niño are associated with shorter food chain length in the California Current ecosystem, a new analysis reports.
  • Help yourself to a plate of happiness

    Help yourself to a plate of happiness Part of being human is about experiencing a whole range of different emotions. We laugh, cry, feel sad, feel down, feel elated - and we never know what emotions we'll face on any given day.
  • 4 Reasons You Should Be Using Custom Boxes For Your Food-Based Products

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  • Fortune Cookies: How did They Get to Be a Chinese Dining Staple?

    Fortune Cookies: How did They Get to Be a Chinese Dining Staple? A trip to a Chinese restaurant is never complete without breaking open a fortune cookie.
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    The Tastier Side of the Canadian Casino Industry Traditionally, the large majority of people who popped down to their local casino were only interested in playing roulette, blackjack or their other favorite casino games.
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