Nov 14, 2014 03:02 PM EST
Big Cat Loose Near Paris: Previously Thought To Be A Tiger, Search Of Police, Soldiers And Helicopter After It

Big Cat Loose Near Paris - A large cat was spotted near Paris' Disneyland. A much larger search was conducted to find said animal, previously thought to be an actual tiger on the loose.

The incredible search started the day before yesterday, as the news spread that a "tiger" was on the loose. The Mirror actually made a timeline following how the search advanced and the species of the animal did as well.

It all begun in the early morning, when it was reported that the police started looking for a "tiger" near Disneyland on Thursday evening. A helicopter was dispatched and about 60 policemen, too.

Parents were also contacted to look for their children from schools. They were meant to do it in cars, so that no child would return alone and unprotected.

"The feline experts who analyzed the paw prints said it was a large feline, probably a tiger, weighing 80 kg," a spokesman for town hall in Montevrain shared.

The big cat was thought at the time to be a private pet and it was confirmed that a circus around the zone had no tiger whatsoever.

Later on, it was cleared out that the search begun after a woman spotted the animal outside a supermarket and after 12 hours of search, there were no traces of the animal.

In addition, people in Montevrain were advised to stay indoors as the large cat or "tiger," like it was thought, was still on the loose.

After a while, instructions as to how to react towards the "tiger" were released. A person shouldn't run, but shout in an attempt to "frighten" the animal.

Still during the morning, French soldiers joined the search for the unknown cat that was on the loose in Paris.

Even the ex-minister Valérie Pécresse wished good luck to find the "tiger." A biologist from the big cats zoo joined the search and Disneyland announced that there was nothing to worry about as they were aware and secure.

A couple of hours later, it was confirmed that the animal was a cat, but not a tiger. The number of police and soldiers apparently rose to 200 and at one point, Eric Hansen from the national agency for hunting and wild fauna stated that people "got carried away."

He also added that the most probable was that the animal in question was a large domestic cat of about 10 kilos.

An even more bizarre fact was that the large cat lost near Paris was not a threat to the public after all, seemingly.

Finally, NBC News named the cat a "faux paw," in the sense that there was no tiger after all. Still, the search continues, although it is conducted by less people now.