Nov 12, 2014 03:11 PM EST
Hum Vibrator: Could This Mean A New Revolution? – ‘Congratulations, You Have Just Invented A New Kind Of Sex’

Hum Vibrator - Technology is surprising every day. There are new inventions that change our lifestyles all the time. What would happen if a device could change sex life completely?

What is the Hum vibrator and what makes it different? The basics of it state that the device is a "smart" vibrator, in the sense that it adapts to its user.

The function of most vibrators is to simply work in a certain way. They are designed to satisfy the sexual needs of a person in a "pre-fabricated" way, to explain it simply. They have a controlled and constant speed, humming, etc.

But, what if it didn't have to be that way? What if there was a vibrator which has the ability to detect what a person likes and "explore" it constantly? Remarkable and it seems that it could become the next reality.

The Daily Dot named it "the world's first artificially intelligent vibrator." And the invention is designed and created by three people: Sunny Allen, a bio-hacker, and two physicists, Aaron Hammack and Jonathan Driscoll. There's also a fourth person who chose to remain anonymous.

Hum is a project they've been working on for the past two years. Still, they are having problems to get it commercialized. For instance, a patent lawyer told them they would never get VC money for it.

In addition, Kickstarter, which is a page to support the creation of independent projects, has a restrictive side. When it comes to "sex toys," it neglects the publishing for its funding. So, that is another option down.

Yet, they are planning on bringing Hum to Indiegogo and get a crowdfunding campaign there. Also, Sunny Allen is promoting together with her partners Hum through Twitter. There's even a new hashtag, called "#MeetHum."

Apart from this, there's already an existing page that works as a teaser for the vibrator. In it, anyone who goes in can see the design that the device has.

It's a simple one, which looks rather like a bowling pin with a moustache. And Sunny Allen had something to share about it.

"We're trying to take a different path. We're trying to be understandably sexy without veering into raunch or even being so ashamed that we veer into sanitized, neutral territory."

Hum vibrator is not just an idea. A prototype was tested already and as a matter of fact, Sunny Allen was the one to give it a first "test-drive."

"The first time I tested it out, I sent an email back saying 'Congratulations, boys, you have just invented a new kind of sex," the bio-hacker mentioned on the matter.

So, now it's an issue of waiting and seeing what will happen to Hum and if it will be released eventually in the market. The plan is for it to become the "new iPhone" of vibrators and if it leaves up to its expectations, that could be the result.