Nov 11, 2014 02:38 PM EST
Brian McClellen, Model and Actor Dies After Being Burnt on Top of Train

Brian McClellen, a former actor and model, died recently after he was burned on top of a New York train. The actor, who was headed for a movie making with Hillary Duff, had posted earlier on his Facebook, "I know I'm going to change the world. It's only a matter of time."

Brian McClenell met his gruesome death on the top of a train after his daredevil stunts went off. Brian, a bit of a daredevil, judging from his Facebook videos of himself jumping from rocks and little bridges, was heading to a TV show titled 'Younger' with Hillary Duff.

On the train, Brian decided to have a go at the top of the train. Video footage from the Stamford rail station showed McClellen, clearly intoxicated, moving towards the top of the New Haven train, just shortly before 5:10 am Sunday in Riverside Connecticut.

On top of the train, Brain, 21, is believed to have gotten into contact with the train's pantograph, a metal arm which receives about 12,500 volts of power from overhead wires.

Brian McClellen's body was found by train workers who had gone to investigate why the train's power connection had been disrupted. They found the smoking body of the young man atop the sixth car.

McClellen was rushed to the hospital where he was hospitalized with electrical burns, some third degree, in more than 90% of his body.

Friends and family continue to mourn the death of the young model. Social media is awash with messages of condolence for the aspiring actor. Patty Waugaman, Brian's aunt, posted on Facebook, "My dear nephew Brian, my heart aches this morning. I will miss you dearly, your beautiful smile, your warm personality, and your positive outlook on life. You were such a wonderful joy to us all. Be at peace, it was too soon for you to be taken from us all, you will be in our hearts forever."

Rest in peace Brian McClellen.