Nov 07, 2014 06:15 PM EST
Patient Attacks Nurses [+VIDEO] Fiercely With A Metal Pipe In A Minnesota Hospital - 'This Was A Highly Violent Incident'

Patient Attacks Nurses - In Minnesota, a patient uses a pipe that he removed from his bed to attack four of eight nurses that were on watch in the hospital.

The incident took place at 2 a.m., when Charles Logan, a 68 year-old patient, got out of bed and went straight to the nurses with a metal pipe and attacked them repeatedly.

The nurses were eight in total, and the patient got to injure four of them, Fox News noted. The man ran later first towards them, then to the hallway and apparently, got three blocks ahead before being caught by the police.

According to NBC, the authorities tried to stop the patient with a taser and it didn't work. The action that followed was them wrestling with the patient, getting him in the ground and handcuffing him afterwards.

It seems that after this happened; Logan became unresponsive and died a bit later. An autopsy was scheduled to find the cause of death.

As for the nurses, one of them ended with a collapsed lung and another one with a fractured wrist. Apparently, the medical staff informed the police that the patient was suffering from paranoia, which would be a valid explanation for the sudden attack.

"By every stretch of the imagination, this was a highly violent incident," a spokesman from the police expressed and ABC News shared.

In addition, another patient witnessed the attack and commented on the matter as well.

"There should have been more help for these nurses. They're there to help people. Who was there to help them when it happened," Linn, the patient, mentioned.

It's true that the attack was unexpected, but it's also true that the nurses were alone when the attack happened.

The unfortunate event ended with some injuries, but if the pipe had pointed in a different direction or the nurses hadn't run faster, the consequences could have been a lot different and worse.