Oct 22, 2014 01:19 PM EDT
SHOCKING Canada Shooting: Parliament Cleared After Gunfire Was Heard Inside Building And Around

The latest news from the Canada shooting has citizens of the North American country in a scare: it's been reported that shots were heard from Canada's Parliament building in Ottawa and its surroundings.

The Canada shooting happened on Wednesday morning, and police officials from Ottawa have cleared the Parliament building afterwards, according to a report by ABC News.

Local police said that the original Canada shooting took place at almost 10 am in the National War Memorial, but it later on came to expand towards two other locations in the nearby downtown area: Parliament Hill and the nearby Rideau Centre.

Earlier, a witness had told Canada's CTV that they had seen a man with long hair carrying a rifle and later four shots fired at a soldier, reportedly the only individual who has been injured in the ordeal. He was guarding the country's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The Canada shooting thankfully only meant one injury from a soldier. In the meantime, authorities are investigating several suspects behind the Canada shootings, and according to Reuters, the Ottawa police believe that there are at least three shooters - and one of them is now reported to be dead, shot inside the premises of the Parliament building.

Due to the security concerns in the downtown area of Ottawa due to the Canada shootings, the country's Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been moved to the area to ensure his safety. He also canceled appearances in Toronto in the wake of the incidents.

The Canada shooting happened partly as the suspects entered Center Block, which is the main building at Ottawa's Parliament Hill. It is part of a larger complex of buildings in the Canadian capital's downtown area, also containing the House of Commons and Senate chambers, as well as offices for many members of the different chambers of Parliament and administration officers for the different government areas.