Oct 22, 2014 12:02 PM EDT
Emily Goodhand Real: Feeling Devastated, Spelling Asks “Am I Bitch if I say I think She's Unattractive?”

Emily Goodhand Real- Tori Spelling was devastated after seeing Emily Goodhand real photo for the very first time, the woman whom her husband, Dean McDermott had an affair with. In the second season of "True Tori," the actress revealed her reactions when she saw the photo of her husband's mistress.

"Oh god, I'm devastated," Spelling claimed while looking on the photo of Goodhand in US Weekly. "Am I a bitch if I say I think she's unattractive?"

Spelling, 41, has four children with McDermott and was thinking if she's pregnant again. In her reality show, before Emily Goodhand real photo surfaced, Spelling said that she is clueless to how the Goodhand really looks like. She added that in her mind, she looks like an Amish woman from the 1800s.

"Before this, I would never have felt threatened by that girl. I'd be like, my husband would never, but now all bets are off," the Beverly Hills 90210 star explained. Some media are thinking that there's no Emily Goodhand real issue. But Spelling explained during the True Tori reunion special in June, she wish she didn't exist and she wish it hadn't happened.

As the couple's life has been watched for several months during their hardest trial, one time the couple went out at a beach for four weeks during the film break. Since then, Spelling claimed that something changed and they're like newlyweds. Emily Goodhand real issue was forgotten.

Emily Goodhand real issue is now on the background as the couple becomes closer again. Meanwhile, McDermott admitted he felt little bit afraid if Spelling will be pregnant, but also confessed that he was also disappointed to know that she is not and it's just false alarm. McDermott claims how he used to watch 90210 before and admits that Spelling was his long time crush.