Oct 17, 2014 02:08 PM EDT
Anthony Bosch’s Guilty Plea: MLB Players Got Performance Drugs From Biogenesis Owner

Anthony Bosch's guilty plea is expected to occur at the conspiracy trial of the former owner of the Biogenesis clinic, as he faces 10 years in prison for giving athletes drugs to enhance their sports performances.

Anthony Bosch's guilty plea has him confessing to distributing testosterone to a wide range of high school athletes and dozens of players Major League Baseball, such as the New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

According to the Associated Press, Anthony Bosch's guilty plea to his conspiracy charges came last Thursday at Miami in front of U.S. District Judge Darrin P. Gayles.

While facing a possible outcome of a 10-year sentence, it is expected that Anthony Bosch's guilty plea will take off some of his incarceration time - besides, he's expected to get even less time after he collaborated extensively with prosecutors in regard of the case and with the Major League Baseball investigation about drug use in players.

Anthony Busch's guilty plea comes as no surprise, as he's been cooperating with the prosecution for a while now with information he could have only obtained from direct contact in the drug sub-world of MJB.

Busch's testimony to authorities of the league led to 14 player suspensions; also, he has cooperated with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in regard of different drug charges.

Bosch is the founder of Biogenesis, an anti-aging clinic in South Florida that made headlines last year as a major part of the 2013 drug scandal of Major League Baseball.

Anthony Bosch's guilty plea was a change from before, as his previous statement in the trial had been that he was not guilty of the conspiracy charges, according to The New York Daily News.

Bosch had been jail since October 6 - he had been out on bail up to that point, but after he tested positive for cocaine the judge revoked it.

For now, Bosch will have to wait for a few more months, as his attorney, Guy Lewis, said that his sentencing would only be handed out on December 18.