Dec 10, 2020 11:07 PM EST
Here Are the Grossest 'Food' Contestants Had to Eat in 'Survivor' Series

One of the most-watched reality TV series is "Survivor." Viewers are kept on the edge with the challenges that cast members have to go through. 

(Photo : Getty images / Andrew H. Walker)

One of the many challenges that surprise and have taken viewers aback was the food challenges. According to Screenrant, these food challenges involve consuming local delicacies often perceived as gross by those who aren't familiar with eating them.

1. Giant Water Bugs (Cambodia)

According to Wikipedia, Giant Water Bugs, also known as Lethocerus Indicus, are a native and a regional delicacy in Southeast Asia. In one Survivor episode, the cast members were asked to eat Giant Water Bugs as part of the challenge. Despite how it looks, they taste like sweet shrimp, scallops, or crab meat.

2. Balut (Philippines)

A known delicacy of the Philippines is the Balut, which is a fertilized developing duck egg embryo. These are incubated for a period of 14 to 21 days and then boiled or steamed. Imagine eating a duck egg with the features of the duckling already partially formed and recognizable. 

3. Cow's Blood and Milk (Africa)

During Survivor Africa, cast members were asked to drink cow's blood poured into a container of cow's milk. Blood is obtained by nicking the jugular artery of a cow precisely and then mixing blood and milk before consuming it. 

4. Mangrove Worms (Australia)

In an episode in Australia, Kimmi Kappenberg had to chow down this delicacy to save herself from being voted off the island. Mangrove Worms look a lot like long thin worms but are a mollusk. They are usually found at low tide and taste like an oyster. Additionally, they are eaten as a tonic for general sickness. 

5. Spoonful of Ants

During the loved ones visit episode, Helen Glover's husband had to do this immunity challenge of eating a spoonful of ants. However, it is never easy to chow down a spoonful of live ants. They have to be chewed while they are moving inside your mouth. 

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6. Tarantula (Thailand)

For Survivor Thailand, the food challenge called for the cast members to consume fried Tarantulas. These Tarantulas are commonly seen in the streets of Thailand and are eaten as a local delicacy. They are easy to capture and large enough to provide a good dose of nutrition.

7. Beetle Larvae

In an episode of Survivor Caramoan, contestants were forced to chow down on beetle larvae. Dubbed the dorky guy on the tribe, John Cochran perfectly showed off his skills for eating this disgusting food in record time. 

8. Farfaru (Marquesas)

Cast members on Survivor Marquesas were faced with the intimidating task of ingesting a local dish called farfaru. It is a fermented fish dish that has an awful smell and the strangest taste. However, it is considered a food for the brain. 

9. Gross Smoothie

In one episode of Survivor, the production decided to mix a bunch of gross stuff to create a super-disgusting smoothie. It was Michelle that downed the disgusting drink in under 10 seconds.

10. Mother of Pearl (Ghost Island)

On Survivor: Ghost Island, cast members were asked to consume Mother of Pearl, a highly sought-after delicacy consisting of minerals secreted by oysters and other mollusks. 

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