Oct 10, 2014 10:43 AM EDT
“I Will Not Receive Inheritance From my Mother Gloria Vanderbilt”- Anderson Cooper

Anderson Hays Cooper may be the great-great-great grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt of the renowned Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune, grandson of millionaire equestrian Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt and socialite Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, and the younger son of writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt, but the infamous 46-year old CNN anchor revealed that he will not inherit her mother's fortune.

According to The Richest, Gloria Vanderbilt has a net worth of $200 million.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund," Cooper claimed in Howard Stern's radio show. "There's none of that."

The CNN anchor shared to Stern, he is not bothered of not receiving inheritance from her well known jeans designer mother. "I don't believe in inheriting money. I think it's an initiative sucker. I think it's a curse."

 The anchor also expressed his gratitude towards his successful mother who had taught him how to work hard. He said he admire his mother who is the 'coolest person' he knows for teaching him a great work ethic, and that if he will also have his own family, he would love to follow the her footsteps.

The anchor continued to express that if not for her, he will not grow to be responsible and motivated. Cooper claimed that he has been brought on this earth with a 'silver spoon on his mouth,' but without learning the value of life, it's nothing.

Although Cooper can just live without even working with all his family's fortune, he always remembers how his dad survived and grew up poor in Mississippi. He added, his mother Gloria has earned a lot more than what she inherited.

The anchor is reportedly making $11 million a year at CNN and has a net worth of $100 million according to Celebrity Net Worth. He is the main anchor of 'Anderson Cooper 360 degrees' news show and has worked as a correspondent before he became a co-anchor on 'World News Now' for ABC News.