Dec 14, 2015 02:40 PM EST
Too Much Sleep Or Too Little Is 'As Bad for Your Health As Smoking and Drinking Alcohol'

Sleep is associated with a state of muscle relaxation and reduced perception of environmental stimuli.

But too much sleep more than 9 hours at night, it takes '4 times more likely to die young and puts someone at a higher risk.

Getting too much or too little sleep may increase a person's risk of heart disease.

Dr Melody Ding, study author and senior research fellow at the University of Sydney: ‘When you add a lack of exercise into the mix, you get a type of "triple whammy" effect.

"Our study shows that we should really be taking these behaviors together as seriously as we do risk factors such as levels of drinking and unhealthy eating patterns." Daily Mail reported.

They looked at lifestyle behaviours that are already known to increase the risk of death and disease -- smoking, high alcohol intake, poor diet and being physically inactive -- and added excess sitting time and too little/too much sleep into the equation.

The results, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, show that a person who sleeps too much sits too much and isn't physically active enough is more than four times as likely to die early and young as a person without those unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Here are the 7 health risks:

1. Too much or too little sleep can raise depression risk.

2. Unbeknownst to you, too little or too much rest can impair the brain.

3. Can increase the risk of diabetes

4. If you're trying to manage your weight and failing at it, you might just have too little or too much sleep. 

5. Too much or too little snooze can hurt your heart!

6. If you're a woman, you would find it hard to become pregnant on too much or too little sleep. 

7. Sleeping too much/too little may lead to an earlier death.

The body needs the right amount of iron. A little iron may lead to iron deficiency anemia. Causes of low iron levels include blood loss, poor diet, or an inability to absorb enough iron from foods.

Too much iron can damaged your body. Taking too many iron supplements can caused iron poisoning.