Dec 03, 2015 06:00 AM EST
J.J. Abrams Says First 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screening a 'Horrifying' Experience [VIDEO]

Even genius shakes in the face of Disney bosses. Director J.J. Abrams says that he found himself "nervous beyond words" as he showed 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' to executives for the first time. A natural experience considering that Lucasfilm cost Disney $4 billion in 2012.

Abrams said in an interview: "We showed the first cut - which was still incomplete, a complete version of the movie but not the finished version - and we showed it to Alan Horn and Bob Iger and Alan Bergman, the three people at Disney who sat with me in the theater, and we screened the movie. And it was horrifying."

Still and all, the execs were quite happy with the material considering the cut had raw visuals. However, the director took this very J.J. Abrams-like and said that the bosses were just being diplomatic.

Understandably the stakes are quite steep and the expectations sky-high. So while an initial screening already typically brings tremendous pressure to a director, the weight was about a hundred times more for Abrams. 

He also cleverly responds to questions surrounding Luke Skywalker's very palpable absence in the promotions for 'The Force Awakens': "Here's the thing: I really want to make sure that we're not ruining the movie for people, that they're not seeing too much of it before it comes out.. I hate when I go and see a trailer and think that I've just seen the movie in encapsulated form ... I'd rather be asking questions than feel like they'd been answered for me."

With very little time left in the release countdown for this 'Star Wars' installment, global buzz is close to climaxing. All the amazing hype begs the question: is 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' really worth the wait? It is anybody's guess for now. In the meantime, go on and view that trailer once again. After that, see Mark Hamill disguised as an undercover Stormtrooper in Hollywood Boulevard.

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