Sep 13, 2014 03:16 PM EDT
Manchineel Tree [VIDEO] Is The Most Dangerous And Poisonous Tree In The World, Guinness World Record States. How To Avoid It?

Manchineel Tree - There is no time to fool around once you get in contact with a tree like the Manchineel. It has been ranked as the most dangerous tree in the world, by Guinness World Records and its informal name is "little apple of death."

The Manchineel's Tree informal name is due to the fact that the tree gives fruits. Those fruits look like apples. They are actually apples but of a combined color of green and pink. They are actually beautiful, but work in a very similar way to Snow White and the poisoned apple.

Except nobody has poisoned the Manchineel Tree, it is naturally deadly. The ugly fact about it is that absolutely everything about it is deadly. Not just the "apples," but like any kind of tree, the sap is the one which circulates throughout the entire plant, meaning everything about it has the same liquid and in this case, the same deadliness.

Where can the Manchineel Tree be found? It is native to Florida, actually, in USA. It is also seen in The Caribbean, Bahamas, Central America and the northern side of South America. It tends to be close to the beaches and it can reach up to fifteen meters high.

The good side about the Manchineel Tree is that although it is deadly to get in contact with, it actually is a good protector of the beach to stop winds and to prevent the erosion.

The bad side is that to humans, it can't get worse. The trees are marked with a red band, for people to recognize them and it is recommended to stay at least meters away from it. The milky sap it contains makes atrocities with the smallest contact. If a drop touches the person, then according to The BBC, "It produces blisters, burns, inflammation when in contact with the skin."

And that is only a little part of the consequences. A person can't even get rid of the tree. If they try to burn it, then the smoke when reaching a person's eyes can produce blindness. To go and stay under it to get protection from the rain would be a horrible idea. The sap would fall into the person and an emergency room would be then next place the person would see.

So you see, pay attention when you travel to this areas and stay as far away as possible from the Manchineel Tree. It could be marked with a cross, as well.