Sep 12, 2014 12:59 PM EDT
Paul Allen Tank: Microsoft Cofounder Faces Court And Restraining Order From A World War Tank ‘We didn’t Ever Sell It’

Paul Allen Tank - Paul Allen is many things, such as a Philanthropist, Innovator and Investor. Although, what he is most famous for is being the Co-founder of Microsoft along with Bill Gates. From all the things he collects, a tank wasn't supposed to be his next problem. What happened?

Turns out that Paul Allen acquired a tank from the World War II, called the Panzer IV. Now, the Panzers are unique. This one was created by Germany in the late 1930's and used extensively in the War as it is practically invincible.

After the War, the tank changed of hands. The model Panzer IV wasn't even meant to go to War in the beginning and then it ended up being used because it is especially robust and heavy. It became one of the most exported tanks afterwards. Finnish bought some, Bulgaria did as well, etc. It was the big helping hand in different wars.

How did one of this tanks end up in Paul Allen's hands and why? Well, like we have established before, Paul is a Philanthropist. That means that Paul Allen likes having different things all the time and he collects them.

Apparently, as the LA Times  determined, Paul Allen had wanted this tank for a while, so when he saw one in an Auction of Littlefield Armor, he went for it straight ahead. Littlefield is located in New York and it is a well-known warehouse that has different transportations and armor from the 1920's on.

In the Auction, Paul Allen's people were there and they wanted this tank when it was offered. The tank was planned to be sold by 2.4 to 2.6 million dollars and Paul Allen's people offered 1.5 million for the tank. Needless to say, they left without a tank.

But Paul Allen always gets what he wants and he located Littlefield people who had the tank, made another offer of 2.5 million and took it to his personal collection.

So, it is a surprising detail that Rob Collings, the Executive Director of Littlefield has changed the script and said, "We do not have an agreement to sell a Panzer IV to Paul Allen or any of his companies... We didn't ever sell it." Now, due to this, Paul Allen is facing a lawsuit with Littlefield over the tank.

This wouldn't be the first time for Paul Allen in Court, he's had more than a handful and somehow he comes out breezy from it.

So we will have to see if Paul Allen gets to keep the tank in the end. In the meantime, the tank is having a Restraining Order not to be moved.