Nov 26, 2015 10:22 PM EST
Fat-Free Vegan Diet: Antidote for the Most Unwanted Acne

With around 40-50 million Americans experiencing it, Acne is considered as the universal skin problem. Many who struggle with this disease may have tried a number of treatments that do not work. And with the recent study finding that some using Anti-pimple Antibiotics may be immune to them, concerns about acne management may rise again. Twin sisters and famous Youtubers Nina and Randa suggested one formula that worked for them: Fat-Free Vegan diet.

When Nina and Randa reach their teenage years they suffer from cystic acne. After trying countless acne solutions and their leading dermatologist leaving them, they felt their situation is hopeless. Dr. McDougall's suggestions on their diet saved their faces. They were asked to discard all foods with oils and fats such as avocado, peanut butter, and all soy products. Their diet includes brown rice, vegetables, beans, oats and fruit smoothies. For their snacks they eat dates, rice cakes and dried fruits.

John A. McDougall, physician and vegan nutrition expert believes that the occurrence of Acne is highly attributed to what a person eats and consuming nutritious food helps in getting rid of them. "Acne develops when the pores in the skin (sebaceous follicles) become blocked with dead skin (hyperkeratinization); then fatty materials (sebum) accumulate within the blocked pore.  This overstuffed pore then becomes infected by bacteria, resulting in inflammation - the pimple. As with all Western diseases, there is a better way - and that is attacking the cause and invoking the cure with a healthy diet," Dr. McDougall stated.

Although some studies suggest that fatty food do not cause break-outs, dermatologists revealed that some fats can stimulate the development of Acne. William Danby, a dermatologist, found by gathering his patients' dietary data, how removing or limiting dairy products in one's diet affect zit break outs. "It became obvious over the years that dairy consumers had greater acne," Danby said.

Some friends felt that Nina and Randa can only eat limited food but both of the girls felt satisfied with the results. After starting their fat-free vegan diet for many days, the twins noticed that their skins are improving. "It was a miracle," Nina stated. Now 22, the girls have Acne-free faces.