Nov 25, 2015 05:50 PM EST
Global Warming: Top 5 Countries Most Responsible for Global Warming, COP21 Paris Climate Conference This November

HRH Prince Charles once said:  "Perhaps it has been too uncomfortable for those with vested interests to acknowledge, but we have spent the best part of the past century enthusiastically testing the world to utter destruction; not looking closely enough at the long-term impact our actions will have."

While the COP21 Paris Climate Change Conference this November is expected to have a positive tone, the need for a global agreement toward saving the planet grows increasingly urgent. Warnings from scientists indicate that global warming has risen in such a rate that the effects of climate change may be felt as more droughts, more floods and even stronger storms.  According to IBTimes UK, none more than the following countries have been heavily contributing to the rise in global warming.  

Following the COP21 Paris Climate Change Conference is the COP21 Sustainable Innovation Forum in December. In keeping with the theme, a global climate change petition #OursToLose is making the rounds.  

Top 1: United States

A 2014 research led by Dr. Damon Matthews, an associate professor on Geography, Planning and Environment at the Concordia University in Canada, determined the US to be the biggest global warming contributor.  This supports the World Resources Institute analysis where the US is responsible for 27% of the total global carbon dioxide emissions from 1850 until 2011.

According to the World Resources Institute, the US will need to up its pace on reducing emissions from an annual 1.2 percent between 2005 and 2020 to a 2.3 percent to 2.8 precent reduction between 2020 and 2025 for the US to reach its professed goal of reducing emissions by 26% to 28% come 2025.

Top 2: China

China is responsible for almost a quarter of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. From 2010, China became both the leading global energy producer and consumer.

In response to these findings, China has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60 to 65 percent against the 2005 levels and to using low carbon sources for 20% of China's energy by the year 2030.

Top 3:  Russia

Russia currently ranks as the third biggest global warming offender and has promised  to reduce gas emissions by 25-30% by 2030.

Top 4: Brazil

Brazil's tropical deforestations in favour of cattle grasslands, soy plantations and logging has had significant impact on global warming. Brazil has committed to specific deforestation policy changes and to increase electricity production from renewable sources to 20% of the entire production come 2030.

Top 5: India

India is the third largest greenhouse gas producer outside of the European Union and has 13 of the 20 WHO-rated most polluted cities in the world. India has committed to use renewable and low-carbon sources for 40 percent of its total electricity production by 2030. Delhi will also hold a No-Car Day on January 22, 2016 as an effort to being public attention to the pollution that plague the country.

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