Nov 20, 2015 11:20 PM EST
The Other Side of Being A Food Blogger

Going to food fairs, trying delicious food in almost every kind of environment, may it be the streets, cafes to high-end fine dining restaurants. Seems like a lot of fun right? These people get to cook instead of being in the office cramming with deadlines and reports. Restaurants offer free food and some food brands send packages with their products that last up to 6 months or more to consume.

An article in Elite Daily gives us the other side to the story. Full-time bloggers say that these do not happen all the time, unfortunately. There is a different side to being a food blogger and no amount of food can make up for it. Here are some of reasons why.

First is they are around food all the time. One blogger said that when he was developing his application a few months ago, he and his team were able to indulge in dishes and not set meals. That means they have to try everything all throughout the day, recipe after recipe until such time when they are stuffed. When people are stressed or need to take a break and usually they choose food. But in their case, food is their job.

Second, when they order food they actually don't want to eat them. But they just need to take pictures of them and post it in their blogs. After lunch or snacks of course like all human beings, they also can't eat more because they are full. However, they also feel it's a waste to not eat the food they ordered keeping in mind that hunger is a worldwide problem.

Next, being a food blogger is more than just a normal 9am to 5pm job. Their office is the kitchen, but right after they come out from their "office" they then sit in front of their computers and check a number of emails and eventually answering them. Cooking or recipe making or testing or posting the photos in the blog or social media platforms don't have a stop time. These things happen all day every day.

These are just 3 of the things that happen in the life of a food blogger. Though looking at the pictures they post and recipes they share and the food they have tasted it may look like an appealing job but like other jobs it comes with a price and challenges and sacrifices are also made to make this job successful.