Nov 09, 2015 10:47 PM EST
The Arrangement of Food Desserts Could Affect One's Diet

If you have been battling with some poor eating habits and a bad diet lately, then this might answer your questions, as to why your working out and diet plans don't seem to work. According to Time Magazine, there's a study that shows supermarkets and how they're opening, especially on how they arrange their food desserts could affect one's diet.

When a supermarket has more desserts and their healthy foods are not exactly easily available for people, this is how a community could suffer from obesity. It figures, if the locals of a certain area only has an access to sweets, junk and limited affordable organic and healthy options for their diet, there is a high risk for the residents to become unhealthy.

The Health Affairs published a journal supporting this study stating that the US alone even spent millions of dollars in creating supermarkets that feature food desserts for 4 years now. And it is sad that with that large amount of money, very little is invested to real healthy foods. It is now becoming more of an individual's responsibility to know how to take care of themselves and not just buy whatever it is that is in front of them in supermarkets.

A lot of people are suspecting that it is all a marketing strategy and a form of manipulating the citizens, so they become unhealthy and unaware of the real situation surrounding them. But then again, these are mostly what conspiracy theorists are thinking about. But come to think of it, there might be some truth to this as well. There is nothing wrong to wonder why junk foods are cheaper than real food. It is time to rethink your lifestyle before it's too late.