Feb 17, 2014 01:23 PM EST
Presidents Day 2014: An Inside Look at the Commander in Chief's Favorite Foods

After spending the day being Commander in Chief of the United States of America, what would be your meal choice to help you kick back and unwind?

In the spirit of celebrating Presidents' Day, USA Today is listing the eating habits of those who lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. From the White House to your house, knowing what the presidents eat can offer insight into their everyday lives and an understanding of their personality.

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are," said French gastronome Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.

John Moeller, author of "Dining at the White House" and chef for George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush, said Americans have become interested in their presidents' eating habits because it's a way of "pulling back the curtain on their lives."

"They might be the leader of the free world, but they eat like you and me," Moeller said. "It's hard to beat the draw of food, politics and personality...The food they eat at their own table tells us a little bit about who they really are."

According to Dr. Alan Hirsch, a neurologist, psychiatrist and founder of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, many of the president's food choices could be driven more by personality than taste buds.

"There's clearly a link between food and personality. Food is like the ink blobs in the Rorschach test, a window to who we are," Hirsch said, according to USA Today.

So what did America's favorite presidents like to snack on?

President Barack Obama favors nuts, seeds, raisins and broccoli. Last year, Obama admitted that his favorite food is actually broccoli.

Former President Bill Clinton reportedly had a thing for cheeseburgers. Clinton is one of the few presidents that has been associated with fast food. His love for cheeseburgers even made it into a "Saturday Night Live" sketch during his time in office. However, the former Commander in Chief reportedly became a vegetarian in 2011.

Lyndon B. Johnson was reportedly a Fresca lover, even having a soda dispenser installed in the Oval Office. His other food favorites included chipped beef, steak, chop suey, barbecue ribs, biscuits with deer sausage and tapioca pudding.

Richard Nixon lunched on a bowl of cottage cheese, fresh fruits and ketchup. His last meal before resigning from office was reportedly a simple breakfast of cottage cheese and pineapple.