Feb 13, 2014 05:03 PM EST
Wasatch Brewery New Beer Celebrates Same-Sex Couples and Asks Russia to Do the Same

A Utah brewer is reportedly considering sending his newly released "same sex" beer to President Vladimir Putin as a form of protest against Russia's anti-gay policies.

According to the Salt Lake Tribune, Wasatch Brewery is showing their support for same-sex marriage in Utah with the release of its new beer, "Live and Let Live," a blonde pale ale made from "two beautiful malts and two wonderful hops, all fermented with a pair of yeasts," brewer Dan Burick said in a release.

The beer's artistic gray-toned label shows a same sex couple in orange parkas embracing one another as they ride the ski lift. Greg Schirf, Wasatch founder, said the beverage has an attitude of its own and stated that he believes it will make "life better for a lot of people in Utah."

Schirf is hoping to send some of his beer to Sochi, Russia, where the 2014 Winter Olympics are currently taking place. Last year, Russia's government passed a law criminalizing "gay propaganda."

"Some of our political leaders would benefit from a hearty serving of Live and Let Live," Schirf said.  "I am thinking Vladimir Putin needs to lay off the vodka and drink about a case of this stuff."

On December 2013, same-sex marriage was legalized in Utah, following a ruling by the US District Court of Utah, However, the state has it's own laws that criminalizes "the advocacy of homosexuality".

"Live and Let Live may be hard to swallow for the majority of people in Utah right now, but we think it's a step forward," said Schirf.

The Tribune reported that Wasatch Brewery has reportedly been accepting to same-sex couples for many years. It has also been a practitioner of its own "civil union." However, Burick said his company understands that the beer may not be for everyone and  will not force it on customers who prefer the traditional brew styles.

"However, we are confident that in the near future Utah will look back and wonder why they didn't embrace and celebrate Live and Let Live's natural combinations," said Schirf. "They will also realize that Live and Let Live is not a threat to traditional beers."

"Live and Let Live" is four percent alcohol and will be available on draft beginning Friday, Valentine's Day, the Tribune reported.