Nov 03, 2015 08:58 PM EST
Study Reveals: Act Confident Even When You're Not

We live in a very competitive world nowadays and according to Huffington Post, one of the many things one has to have to be successful is self-confidence. It is said to very critical in living a joyful life; the happiest people you may meet are those who are truly confident of themselves and talents and skills.

As a new study from University of Washington proves, a person's self-esteem or self-confidence starts to develop by the age of 5. Confidence is innate and can be enhanced-but it can be faked until you finally made it.

As advised by body language and Caress Ambassador Tonya Reiman in Yahoo Health, there are particular ways to act confident (even in times when you are really not).

1.       Relax Your Face

Reiman explains that you can tell someone is feeling tense by his face. A furrowed brow, clenched teeth and a lowered chin are dead giveaways-that person is feeling uneasy. If you do not want to show that your organs are screaming "AWKWARD!!!" inside, pay more attention to your face. You can take a deep breath and relax your facial expression. Also watch your breathing-shallow breathing with occasional deep breaths signal anxiety.

2.       Stand Tall

Slouched backs and shoulders forward are clues usually shown by shy people. Reiman describes shy people to subconsciously slouch in order to become smaller and less noticeable. She says to stand tall and keep a good posture.

3.       Smile

A smile indicates happiness. Happiness comes from a person who is happy with his or herself. Not only it communicates confidence, but it also makes you more attractive. Everyone loves a happy person!

4.       Tilt Your Head

Yes, tilting your head can play the game. If you want to come across as your most attractive self during a date, Reiman suggests maintaining eye contact, leaning in while talking, and tilting your head towards the left. If you want to look more trustworthy while in a job interview, tilt your head to the right.

5.       Give Invisible Cues

Reiman says that scent is a key player in attraction as it makes you feel more confident and attractive too. Vanilla, amber, sandalwood and musk scents are the safest fragrances to wear anytime and anywhere.