Sep 18, 2015 09:40 AM EDT
Toyota Plans To Create Flying Cars

Toyota may possibly manufacture 'flying cars' soon after the car company's patent application to the U.S Patent Office which includes the introduction of their "aerocar" leaked out to the public.

After the release of its latest 2016 Prius, the Japanese automobile company continues to innovate products as they may be planning to create a technology for flying cars.

The patent application, which has an official code of 20150246720 was first submitted in March 2014 which contained an invention called "aerocar". The innovative vehicle is capable of flying with the use of stackable wings. The application also contains schematic diagrams that specify the construction of its wings.

Unlike other flying vehicles' design, Toyota's idea is to support their automobile with narrow wings instead of the conventional folding and heavy wings which may affect the width and visibility of the vehicle. The wings will be mounted on the top roof avoiding the car to protrude outside the sides of its body.

In the example sketch design, four wings were used, highlighting a solid top and morphing bottom section. This will allow the wings to be more piled and arranged especially when it's not in use.

The structure and the design of it propose that the four wings will be used to produce force for lifting during the take-off. When the vehicle is already in the air, two of its wings will be used to control the speed.

Last June 2014, Toyota had an indicative plans of creating a flying vehicle. However, Hiroyoshi Yoshiki said that the indication only points out to the "investigation" of the technology including the actual development.

Though it is not the first time that a flying car is made, making their designs turn into reality will be a great achievement for Toyota. Henry Ford who is an industry pioneer is said to be the first one to establish a flying car, but unfortunately, the flight led to a fatal crash killing his friend and the chief co-pilot.