Apr 17, 2013 01:24 PM EDT
‘Star Wars’ Actor Dies: Famed Actor Richard LeParmentier Passes Away

Actor Richard LeParmentier, famous for his role in 1977's "Star Wars", passed away Tuesday at age 66, according to CNN.

The actor was famous for being the admiral with "a disturbing lack of faith", who spoke out against Darth Vader and his use of the "force." His punishment, the famous "Vader death grip."

Lucasfilm released a statement about the actors passing, saying his role in "Star Wars" may have been brief, but it was "unforgettable."

The statement said LaParmentier's portrayal of Admiral Motti "demonstrated both the lofty hubris of the Galactic Empire, and the rumbling power of the Force. LeParmentier has the distinction of being the first actor telekinetically throttled by Darth Vader on-screen for his disturbing lack of faith."

Born in Pennsylvania, but living in the UK during the peak of his acting career, LaParmentier also had roles in "Superman II", "Octopussy" and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".

LaParmentier initially auditioned for the role of Han Solo, but was assigned another character. When that character was cut from the movie, his agent passed along the role for Admiral Motti.

"I read it, and I thought, 'Well, OK, it's two scenes at least, so I'll do that,'" LeParmentier told Star Wars Insider magazine in 1998.

LeParmentier died suddenly on Tuesday while visiting family in Austin Texas, according to Entertainment Weekly.

His family released a statement saying they "feel very lucky to have been able to spend time with him on a regular basis...Every time we find someone's lack of faith disturbing, we'll think of him.

"At age 66, Richard Le Parmentier is one with the Force," the statement said. "We're deeply grateful to the many devoted fans who have posted personal remembrances of our dad as a warm, genuine person with an unparalleled joie de vivre and gift for friendship (not to mention a mean petanque player). ... He has gone to the Stars, and he will be missed."