Aug 25, 2015 09:40 AM EDT
'Batman v Superman' Star Henry Cavill On Who Clark Kent Should Date: Lois Lane Or Wonder Woman?

Superman has just weighed in on what he really thinks about Wonder Woman!

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' star Henry Cavill was recently featured in Cosmopolitan, where he answered questions about his new film 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' as well as what he looks for in an ideal mate. At one point, Cavill shared his opinion about the women in comic books.

"Strong women are nothing new for the comic book world," he reportedly said. "I'm glad they are being represented a bit more in film and on TV."

It was no surprise that he mentioned DC's Diana Prince. "Wonder Woman has been around forever, she is an incredibly strong character," Cavill said. "She can go toe-to-toe with Superman sometimes."

Which led to the next question about who would be a better partner for Clark Kent: Lois Lane or Wonder Woman.

Cavill chose his words carefully. "This is a very long discussion because there are a lot of questions to be asked and answered," he said. "I mean who is better for a super-powered alien, a human or a goddess? Yes, the goddess can do all the normal things, which we would think are normal in a relationship, and not have any fear of Superman."

He also pointed out the merits of being with a regular woman. "You also need to have that baseline of humanity, which Lois provides. And literally keeps his feet on the ground, keeps him down to earth. So that's more of a debate than an answer."

And since this is Cosmopolitan, they had to find out whether Superman wears boxers or briefs under his cape. Cavill responded, "Superman is a polite Kansas boy and would never tell you either way. It would be un-gentlemanly to discuss.​"

'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' also stars Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. The film is scheduled for release on March 25, 2016.