Aug 22, 2015 10:38 AM EDT
‘Dumbledore Is Death’ Theory Approved By J.K. Rowling, Hogwarts Headmaster Is Death To Harry Potter’s Third Brother

Eight years after the last book of the "Harry Potter" series was released in 2007, fans of the saga are still trying to tie up loose ends or even making up entirely new theories, the most recent of which is the "Dumbledore is Death" one, which author J.K. Rowling seems to be a fan of.

According to Comic Book, author J.K. Rowling recently took to Twitter to talk about the "Dumbledore is Death" theory, and while it appears like she hadn't thought it over before, she definitely seems to like the way her readers are thinking with it.

Recently, the "Harry Potter" author was asked which of the many fan theories was her favorite, and she replied it was the "Dumbledore is Death" one, as it's "beautiful" and "it fits."

The "Dumbledore is Death" theory consists of saying that "The Tale of the Three Brothers," a story-inside-a-story in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," is actually a metaphor for the books, with the first brother (the one who dies from searching power) supposedly being Voldemort, the second brother (who dies from love) being Snape and the third brother (who departs Earth on his own terms and befriends Death) being Harry - with Albus Dumbledore, the iconic Hogwarts headmaster, the representation of Death.

Bustle reported on the "Dumbledore is Death" theory on the early days of August, also pointing out that the headmaster had owned all three Deathly Hallows at some point, had indirectly caused the deaths of both Voldemort and Snape and greeted Harry (as a friend) at King's Cross in the short time when he was dead himself near the end of the last book.

Entertainment Weekly reports that while the "Dumbledore is Death" addition is fairly new, the idea that the three "Harry Potter" characters represented the Three Brothers of the story has been going around for years, but it wasn't until recently when Reddit and Tumblr saw the birth of this new addendum.