Aug 13, 2015 09:47 AM EDT
Omega-3 Can Reduce Risk Of Schizophrenia

The consumption of the fatty acid found in oily fish called omega-3 can reduce risks of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, according to research. The study released on August 11 revealed that an individual who consumes omega-3 supplements for consecutive 12 weeks will experience the said benefit for up to seven years even without continuous intake.

Researchers at the University of Melbourne headed by Paul Amminger studied the benefits of fatty acids almost ten years ago. They showed in clinical trials that taking in omega-3 hindered first episode of high risk psychotic disorder of patients.

In the study, two control groups of patients were given different kinds of supplements. One group was required to consume omega-3 while the other is given a placebo.

After seven years, the researchers observed and reported that 10% of the subjects that took the fatty acid developed severe mental disorder compared to the placebo group who developed psychosis by 40%. They then concluded that, "We show that omega-3 significantly reduced the risk of progression to psychotic disorder during the entire follow-up period."

Even before the study, scientists already have an information that fatty acids have a link to schizophrenia. Patients suffering from the mental disorder display low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acid in the cell membranes specifically the omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

Despite the results they achieved, the researchers did not continue recommending individuals with the aforementioned disorder to take the fatty acid which is present in many foods especially in walnuts, sardines and salmon. The fatty acid is available as a non-prescription supplement.

The researchers reason that the study still requires more data and findings. The number of patients involved in the study is relatively small at 81 which is not enough to establish and trust the results. Amminger explained that more trials are needed and that the study is still ongoing. He also added that the omega-3 showed no relevant side effects which makes it a good treatment option.