The release of the new Marvel Cinematic Universe (the highly awaited sequel to the 2012 megahit "The Avengers") is only a few weeks away and it's high time for the actors and the movie's crew to start doing some publicity tours - and the new "Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron Re-Assembled" video is a preview to just that!
In the "Marvel's Avengers Age Of Ultron Re-Assembled," fans can see some of the most iconic cast members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe speak out about the movie's filming.
Watch Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson and others goofing around in the new "Marvel's Avengers Age Of Ultron Re-Assembled" - and even get a glimpse of director Joss Whedon in the process!