Mar 19, 2015 03:14 PM EDT
Viral Video ‘The Fresh Prince’ Of C-SPAN: C-SPAN Gets Trolled … With ‘Bel Air’ Meme! [WATCH]

There's an underground Internet meme called "Bel-Air" used primarily in forums of websites like 4chan and reddit, in which people tell a story and finish it up with part of the theme song from the 1990s show that made Will Smith a superstar - and now the viral video of "The Fresh Prince" of C-SPAN has cemented the meme for years to come!

In the viral video of "The Fresh Prince" of C-SPAN, a troll prank calls Pedro Echevarria's "Washington Journal" show, as a caller who identified himself as Jack Strickland started telling the story of how he lived in Bel-Air though he was from West Philadelphia, and one day he was on a basketball court...

The caller made it for about 30 seconds before being cut off, with Echevarria completely unable to keep from smiling!