Feb 04, 2015 09:56 AM EST
6 Raw Foods For Beautiful Skin

Raw foods for beautiful skin- Your skin is precious as it is what everyone sees first when they look at you. It is the artist's canvas. But what can you do if you have breakouts, acne, dull or oily skin? Your skin says a lot about you.

If you believe in natural ways, there are raw foods for beautiful skin that could improve your looks.  A lot of factors contribute to unhealthy skin: stress, air pollution, smoking, food, cosmetics, dehydration and a lot more.

Why not focus on your skin today and see how your self confidence improves. Here are six raw foods for beautiful skin that you must not miss in your diet.

Almond Milk

Almond Milk is one of the raw foods for beautiful skin with its mineral manganese that protects your skin from UV radiation and its collagen-boosting copper. Prevention.com recommends using almond milk as your regular milk.  Put it in frozen fruit dessert, cereal or make a nutritious smoothie.

Almonds are also packed with antioxidant, vitamin E that safeguard your skin from the sun.


Do you love fish?  It is source of omega-3-fatty-acids that clears your skin from toxins and gives your skin a natural moisturizer.  You have to think of creating new recipes for salmons and tuna!


Tomatoes are powerful raw foods for beautiful skin. Containing lycopene, tomatoes makes your skin younger- looking by taking away free radicals that gives you wrinkles. It is also great source of carotenoids just like other fruits and vegetables that gives skin its natural glow.


Do you love fresh squeezed citrus fruits in the morning? This fruit is one of the raw foods for beautiful skin that you must always have in your diet.  Citrus are boosting in vitamin C that fights inflammation.


Strawberry and cranberry are great sources of antioxidants that keep your skin younger. Make sure to munch these raw foods for beautiful skin or make a smoothie out of it.


Beets according to Elle.com are natural cleanser. It clears blood imperfections so when your blood is healthy, your skin will also be radiant.