Jan 03, 2015 07:59 PM EST
Vuzix Corporation Receives $25 Million Investment From Intel

Vuzix Corporation, a smart glass manufacturer, announced that it received more than $25 million investment from microprocessor giant Intel. It looks like Intel is taking a big bite in the wearable-devices market seeing that the company has yet to take a step when it comes to smartphones and handheld market. According to reports, Intel is planning to launch its very own eyewear device.

The deal which was forged on Friday shows that Intel has bought nearly 30 percent of Vuzix stocks and these stocks are also convertible to common shares. Vuzix has also confirmed the deal. It is important to note that Intel has previously teamed up with Google and Luxottica in creating high-tech wearable devices. The deal with Google stipulates that all Google Glass devices will be using chipsets manufactured by Intel.

Intel has yet to confirm the deal and has not release any statement regarding what transpired in the negotiations but so far based on the report's release by Vuzix, it looks like Intel is heading for a big future in the wearable devices market.

Vuzix is a multination firm which its main products comprising of computer display devices and software. The company also manufactures display devices for mobile and Augmented Reality applications with focus on 3d Gaming and Military tactical gear. The company was formed in 1997 and is currently based in Rochester, New York. The company has created the first ever eyewear that supports stereoscopic 3D made for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

In 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, Vuzix released the M100 smart glass, an Android based wearable computer. Since the release of M100, it has gone through a lot of upgrades and patches. One of the upgrades made to the devices was the inclusion of offline support for Nuance voice control. Vuzix announced on Jan 2013 that it will be developing a new product, smart sunglasses. With Intel's million dollar investment, Vuzix innovative projects will no doubt be fulfilled.