Dec 23, 2014 11:16 AM EST
North Korea Internet Facts: Following Sony Pictures Leak, Kim Jong-un Government’s Internet Is Down

North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un is the man behind one of the world's toughest and most airtight police States, where every aspect of so-called private life is controlled by the government, including haircuts - and now, following a State-controlled attack on Sony Pictures, North Korea Internet facts are reporting that the famous dictatorship's connection is down.

While many have become fascinated with the North Korea Internet facts - as people in general are fascinated with the way the Asian country works, as it's so different from the way westerners in democracies behave towards the government and the other way around -, it seems that currently the connection has failed the government.

According to The Independent, the latest North Korea Internet facts state that the country, now in the midst of a confrontation with the United States regarding the hacking of Sony Pictures, is now in an Internet blackout, though where it came from is still widely unclear.

It is unclear whether the North Korea Internet facts regarding a supposed complete blackout would be a retribution for the recent scandal regarding the Sony Pictures hacking and e-mail leak, which has exposed hundreds of pieces of online correspondence between top people in the Hollywood film industry.

On their part, the North Korean government denies having hacked the movie company, though the Federal Investigation Bureau has already confirmed the attack came from the Asian country.

The attack would have come due to the company's scheduled release of the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy "The Interview," where the central theme of the movie is an assassination plot against Kim Jong-un, the third generation of leaders of the country from his family.

Following the hacking incidents and threats against theaters that chose to show the film, according to Heavy, Sony Pictures decided to cancel its release, creating uproar in the worldwide news, as it was considered they had "let the terrorists win."

Now, according to Reuters, it seems like the North Korea Internet facts say that the country is back online, following hours of a blackout. Officials close to the United States government have denied involvement on the hack to North Korea.