Dec 05, 2014 07:08 AM EST
Diet Update: Myths Affecting Your Weight Loss Efforts

From the author of "The Bulletproof Diet", Dave Asprey, he has talked about the things you have to look for in a diet: fuel for your body, no unnecessary toxins, nutrients for your cells, energy for your brain and satisfaction.

However, there have been five myths released why you might not be very successful in the diet of your own choosing.

First, the mentality that if you are not losing weight means you are not trying enough. Although you have all the willpower in the world but still cannot lose that much weight you are targeting, it does not mean that you are not trying at all, it means that you are running out of willpower even if you think that you do.

This means that the food choices you have should leave you satisfied and still full of willpower and these foods are those with high-quality fats and plenty of calories that will leave you feel fuller for a longer period of time.

Myth number two is when you think you are hungry but you actually are not. Anyone on a standard diet will probably say they are hungry but actually, you mistake boredom for hunger so you have to consume super foods that will make you not have hunger pangs.

Myth number three: Low-fat foods are smart choices. This is not the case all the time as when you consume low-fat foods, you tend to eat more and that's when you binge-eat whenever hunger kicks in making you not lose weight instead gain more.

Myth number four is the mentality that eating will make you fat. The thing is, it's of human nature to eat and your body needs fat since it is a building block of the healthy cell walls and hormones that are needed for fertility, shock absorption and temperature regulation.

Myth number five is totally catting calories in order to lose weight easier. Weight watchers think that cutting out calories is not correct as you should be able to fuel both your body and mind. Plus, calories are needed for breathing, sleeping, altitude and room temperature.