Dec 05, 2014 04:49 PM EST
Facebook Limits Overly Promotional Page Posts in 2015

There are some who post excessively promotional status updates on Facebook that seem like spammy posts on one's News Feed. Instead of reading their friends' status updates, they see more excessive marketing campaigns on their News Feed. These are actually not those traditional web advertisements but those overly promotional posts or the 'like-bait' boasts that can be found underneath a more relevant content. Facebook announces that they will be taking more essential steps in order to eliminate such types of posts next year.

Facebook will also filter out those Page statuses on Facebook that fall under any of the following categories:

  • Posts that reuse similar content from advertisements
  • Page posts that only push people to install an app or purchase a product
  • Posts that impel or push people to enter sweepstakes or promotions without real context

The developers of Facebook have decided to push through with such change after conducting a survey about how the News Feed can be enhanced for the benefit of all users. It revealed that users want to see more of the status updates of their friends and not those promotional posts.

Nevertheless, Facebook developers said that individual Pages and Non-spammy businesses that want to promote their products and services through the social networking site do not need to worry about anything because they will not actually be affected when the new News Feed algorithm takes effect early next year. They can still bring their business to an increased number of customers with the use of Facebook as a business marketing tool.

This change is another way of Facebook developers of improving user experience with the website. They can now enjoy browsing through their Page and know more about the status updates of their friends without being bothered by any excessive promotional campaign. The latest News Feed algorithm on Facebook will take effect in January 2015.