Dec 04, 2014 09:55 AM EST
Demi Moore on Raw Food Diet

Demi Moore made a comeback in "Full Throttle" at the age of 40. She is walking in her bikini and has stunning looks that is better than those half her age. Want to know her secret?

Demi Moore is one of the celebrities who are trying the raw food diet. Tons of celebrities are considering this today as raw foods make them look and feel fantastic in a natural way. Some of the celebrities who are also considering this diet are Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, Lisa Bonet, Charlie Trotter, Nathalie Porman, and Uma Thurman. Beyonce, Sting, and David Bowie are also trying this diet.

If you are interested with the raw food diet of Demi Moore, you will have to say goodbye and closed the curtains for the processed foods and almost anything that is found at grocery stores. You have to take note that no food can be cooked at above hundred eighteen degrees.

According to the conventional nutrition and medical scientists, there aren't no benefits from raw food diet because one's body does not need enzymes that are from raw food due to the reason that it produces their own enzymes, which allow you to digest food. However, experts on raw food diet disagree with this belief. Raw food diet gurus said that this kind of diet is backed with research and proof.

Anyone can follow the raw food diet. Like celebrities, you too can have that beautiful body that you have always dreamed of. But, make sure to seek for a raw food diet coach like what celebrities have done in order for you to reap all the benefits offered by this diet. In addition to that, consulting a physician may also help as this will let you know if you can consider the diet or not.