Articles by Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

121-150 (out of 2060)

Latest from this author

Microbes may help astronauts transform human waste into food

Microbes may help astronauts transform human waste into food Human waste may one day be a valuable resource for astronauts on deep-space missions. Now, a Penn State research team has shown that it is possible to rapidly break down solid and liquid waste to grow food with a series of microbial reactors, while simultaneously minimizing pathogen growth.
  • Study: Resistance to antifungal drugs could lead to disease and global food shortages

    Study: Resistance to antifungal drugs could lead to disease and global food shortages Growing levels of resistance to antifungal treatments could lead to increased disease outbreaks and affect food security around the world.
  • Throwing out food: Attitudes to food waste in Russia

    Throwing out food: Attitudes to food waste in Russia Rational behavior is not the only thing that keeps Russians from throwing away food; many food-handling practices have been shaped by socio-cultural factors, including the gastronomic trauma suffered in times of famine and scarcity.
  • 5 Foods That Will Help Detoxing From Alcohol

    5 Foods That Will Help Detoxing From Alcohol Fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fibre.
  • Benefits of HGH: Energy, Emotions, & Memory

    Discover the benefits of HGH for energy, emotions, & memory. See why HGH stimulates the metabolism for increased energy, and the brain for better memory and mood.
  • Tricks For Lowering Calories in Fast Food

    Tricks For Lowering Calories in Fast Food Fast food is a force in the world of cuisine for a few very good reasons. It can taste great, is readily available with little fuss, and often won't break the bank.
  • Five unwritten online dating rules everyone needs to know

    Five unwritten online dating rules everyone needs to know Hello! My name is Mike. I am a 35-years-old blogger and a big fan of Internet technologies. I truly believe that they make our lives better, no matter what screenwriters of "Black Mirror" say.
  • Some Top Places in Last Vegas to Party and Dine

    Some Top Places in Last Vegas to Party and Dine Las Vegas is a place that is known for its entertainment, nightlife and parties. There are many wonderful places where you can enjoy partying while also indulging in some fantastic food.
  • Dark chocolate with olive oil associated with improved cardiovascular risk profile

    Dark chocolate with olive oil associated with improved cardiovascular risk profile Dark chocolate enriched with extra virgin olive oil is associated with an improved cardiovascular risk profile, according to research presented.
  • What is a better way to wash pesticides off apples?

    What is a better way to wash pesticides off apples? Polishing an apple with your shirt might remove some dust and dirt, but getting rid of pesticide residues could take a little more work.
  • Disease-resistant apples perform better than old favorites

    Disease-resistant apples perform better than old favorites You may not find them in the produce aisle yet, but it's only a matter of time before new disease-resistant apple cultivars overtake favorites like Honeycrisp in popularity, according to a University of Illinois apple expert.
  • New tool could help maintain quality during cheese production

    New tool could help maintain quality during cheese production Dutch type cheeses, notably edam and gouda, are made using complex starter cultures, that have been employed for centuries.
  • Study: Eighty-five percent of Spanish children eat too much salt

    Study: Eighty-five percent of Spanish children eat too much salt Salt is a hidden enemy in children's diets. So says the conclusion of a study by researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid, which suggests that over 80 % of Spanish schoolchildren consume excess salt; this is associated to greater risk of high blood pressure, osteoporosis and obesity.
  • Junk food almost twice as distracting as healthy food, study finds

    Junk food almost twice as distracting as healthy food, study finds Even when people are hard at work, pictures of cookies, pizza and ice cream can distract them -- and these junk food images are almost twice as distracting as health food pictures, concludes a new Johns Hopkins University study, which also found that after a few bites of candy, people found junk food no more interesting than kale.
  • Study: Almost half of food allergies in adults appear in adulthood

    Study: Almost half of food allergies in adults appear in adulthood When people think of food allergies, it's mostly in relation to children. New late-breaking research being presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting shows that almost half of all food-allergic adults surveyed reported one or more adult-onset food allergies.
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