Oct 09, 2014 04:27 AM EDT
Ebola Patient Thomas Eric Duncan has Died at Dallas

The First person to be diagnosed with Ebola Virus Disease in the U. S. has died. Thomas Eric Duncan, the 42-year-old man contracted with virus died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Wednesday, Oct.8.

Duncan who traveled to US from Liberia developed first symptoms Wednesday (Sept. 24) after he arrived on Sept.20. He walked in to the hospital for treatment on Friday (Sept.26) and was placed in an isolation ward on Sunday (Sept.28), according to Texas Department of State Health Services.

"Mr. Duncan succumbed to an insidious disease," hospital spokesman Wendell Watson said in a statement," hospital officials declared.

Duncan carried the virus when he arrived in Dallas on Sept. 20. He was believed to be infected by a pregnant woman whom Duncan helped to take a taxi in Liberia. Right after he was diagnosed, the health officials have been tracking down all the people whom Duncan had contact with since he reached US.

From 100 people, health officials narrowed the number to 50, then to 10 people whom he had close contact with. Duncan's family plus seven health staff who treated him in the hospital will be monitored for 21 days. There is no basis that all the people can be considered at risk for the disease.

Six Ebola patients have been treated in the U.S. But out of the number, Duncan was the only one not admitted in any of the special hospital units set to manage Ebola. Health officials' states, those people were cared for immediately the moment they were diagnosed. Duncan sought help only after experiencing first hand symptoms.

Duncan was receiving all the necessary treatments including a breathing machine, an advanced care-dialysis to treat kidney failure and an experimental antiviral drug, according to ABC. At this moment, no one knows how his body will be arranged.

Bodies of the Ebola patients should be buried right away in a completely sealed casket or cremated instead of being embalmed, the Center for Disease Control suggests.